Sunday, December 13, 2009

Winter Tomato Blahs

It's still winter here with just a little touch of sunshine and just enough warmth today to make me long for spring and summer to come. One of the things I long for all winter is that juicy summer tomato. There is nothing quite like that still warm summer tomato you pick off the vine and bite into right on the spot. This amazing tomato can inspire some of the most simple recipes. So today I am longing for just this kind of tomato. Nothing at the market can quite hit that note. There is this neat little trick we do here at the deli to improve that anemic winter tomato.
Simply cut the tomato into quarters, place these on a cookie sheet, toss with a good olive oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper and parmesan cheese. Roast these in the oven until the tomatoes cook down. Approx. 25 - 35 minutes in a 350 degree oven.
Remove from the oven and cover with foil for a bit.
Enjoy these tomatoes on a wrap or sandwich or toss with pasta.
Now they won't replace that summer tomato but its a way to improve those blah winter ones.